Help with jealously?

I have an annoying problem with jealously regarding members of my family. One example out of MANY is- my 4 year old cousin is basically worshipped for being alive by my grandpa who has no relation to him but gets treated better then me and my other siblings and cousins (that my grandpa is actually related to). I love my grandpa so much I talk to him nearly every day and I act my best as to keep him happy  when I'm around but it just doesn't seem to trump the simple existence of my cousin. 
And I am aware of the facts- he is 4 and I am 17, that kids are usually more likable and that this is SUPER ridiculous.
And that is why I am posting this.
Is their any advise out here, there, anywhere about getting over jealously or at least taming it? My jealousy is killing me, I hate fighting an inner battle where I love the people I am jealous of and want the very best for them, but at the same time get angry at them because  of something they themselves can't control. 
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.