
I'm 8 weeks and 5 days along and everything has been fine so far, already had a scan and baby was perfectly healthy... I have been stressed out a lot lately and last night me and my boyfriend had a massive fight and I got really worked up..... About an hour after the fight I went to the toilet and my discharge was pink with a tiny little blod clot about 1mm long.... And now sometimes I'm peeing brown, sometimes it's normal.... I'm still having pink discharge sometimes as well though, it's only been 4 hours so you think I'm miscarrying?? I'm going to the doctors soon but I need some answers now, I've never been so stressed 😥😥😥

UPDATE: I went to the doctor, she took a urine sample and I have blood in my urine as well as white blood cells. My bp is normal and my heart rate is a bit fast. I have been booked in for a scan tomorrow morning to check if baby still has a heart beat and to get bloods done.

I haven't had any pink discharge for 7 hours now and everything is looking normal.