Still thinking.....

I tested February 15 got 5 vvvvfl on each pregnancy test. Later that day started spotting which turned it to more bleeding like a period which lasted 5 days. If I was still pregnant I'll be 14 weeks right now. I been feeling off lately so I searched up the symptoms. The symptoms showed up pregnancy from what I'm experiencing. The things I'm experiencing are:

-sore boobs


-bloated even before eating


-frequent urination

-not so tired as I used to be a week or two ago.

-dry mouth


-small cramps in lower abdomen

-weight gain like a pound or two

-veins showing way more on legs, arms & hips.

-stuffy nose/dry nose

-sometimes shortness of breath

I'm not sure what else It could be. Any tips on what it could be. I haven't tested again. I'm sooooo confused at the moment!