does society make you feel uncomfortable?

Any time I dress nice or take a good selfie.. I feel so great about myself UNTIL people say something about it (guys). I love when girls boost my confidence but when guys stare at me, try talking to me, touch me, etc I feel so uncomfortable so then I hate dressing up. I have a good reason most of the time because they'll say or do inappropriate perverted things. But sometimes even compliments, like my boyfriend for example, when he says "I love your legs and hips and belly and eyes and..." he'll keep going to compliment me but I just refuse the compliments. It makes me want to hide, not feel good. Another example.. I uploaded a full body pic that is barely revealing besides a little cleavage and I get so much anxiety if people comment or like the pic. I already want to take it down. Idk why. I'm always thinking "do they think I'm vain? Slutty? Attention whore?" Anyone else like this and why? :( idk why I feel like this about myself