Full-Time Working (not from home) Moms?


Hey ladies! Any other moms or moms-to-be that are/will be working full-time outside of the home? I'm planning on taking 4-6 months off after baby arrives, but I will have to go back to work. Husband and I live in the greater San Francisco area, where it is HELLA (yes, I said 'hella', East Bay living) expensive to live. Even though husband and I have good-paying government jobs, it's just not an option for me to stay home. On just my husband's salary, we would be barely paying the mortgage and the bills. I make more than enough to cover the cost of child care, and my husband's agency has an amazing child care/learning school on site. While my husband works 10 minutes from home, my commute is on average of 1hr20min each way with no delays. So it's going to be hard. I'm already getting up at 5am every day to be at work by 7am and home by 5:30pm. My schedule is going to need a major adjustment.

Any other full-time working moms out there? Got any advice or experiences to share? I'd love to hear them!