Treat men equally?

Shubi 💋

Okay so lately I have come across this thing that females have gone way too overboard with the feminist thing and look down upon men like anything. I won't say that I am a feminist but I do believe in equality. I have a notion that females are equivalent to males in every respect. I also believe that the same goes for men.

Let's be honest. There are actually females out there who go on harassing men in the name of feminism.

I don't say that all men are good. But those who are need not be treated the way the bad ones are. We need to learn to differentiate. It can be hard at times but still. We are the women and we know the best and are stronger than them.

So do you women out there agree?

Please leave your views in the comments below.

Also, I don't want to hurt anyone's sentiments. This is what I personally feel.

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