cramps and spotting for like ever an getting annoying

Hey so I have pretty regular periods and im not on hormonal bc but some weird shit is going on. 
So my last period was like 4 days late which is abnormal for me since I'm usually regular and on time, so anyways I didn't stress about it because I knew there's no way I'd be pregnant. Then after my period I just never stopped spotting and having cramps. And not to mention my period when it was here was longer than usual. It's getting annoying because Im ruining underwear and using more tampons than usual and the cramping sucks. 
Should I call my gyno or let it rock for a little longer and hope it straightens out? 
Side note - I do have the Paraguard iud but I've had it for years now and have always had regular, predictable periods with it. And I checked my strings are still there and normal length