ovulation after d&c

Hello! So long story short, I had a D&C due to complete molar pregnancy. Yes, it's rare, so if there are other ladies going through that please reach out to me if you need a friend! Anyways, my levels were at 136,000 before the D&C, on January 25th, as if the 23rd of March they were 1.2. My doctor gave us the okay to try again this month(April) . However I've been reading mixed things about if you can ovulate with HGC levels still in your body. I don't have another blood draw until late this month. Has any one gone through this? My periods are exactly 30 days apart, and 100% regular. I started ovulation testing this month and it's CD 11 for me and the test line is not getting any darker, barely visable! Just confusing, ugh... Thanks ladies💕