Not wanting to get pregnant after miscarriage

I was so excited when i found out i was pregnant. We were not ttc, it just happened. I have 2 older daughters, 9 and 5. So I was ready for baby #3. I found out I was pregnant January 19th, 2017. Went to doctors appointments to confirm & had an ultrasound. Too early to tell much. Went for another ultrasound to check for heartbeat, messures 6 weeks 5 days and everything was good. March 28th, I woke up cramping and bleeding. Went to the emergency room & got the worst news of my life. I was miscarrying. My SO and family keep telling me that we're young and can try again. But still my heart was in a million pieces. All I could think about was all my happiness that I had for this baby was ripped away from me with no explanation at all.. now all I can think about when they tell me we can try again is that I don't want to.. I wanted that baby. I want back the baby I will never get to know. The baby that I will never know what he or she looked like. Or what kind of person they would have turned out to be. I see all these posts on here about people wanted to get pregnant after a miscarriage.. am I the only person too angry and hurt to get pregnant again? I want to know if this is how I'm always going to feel. Will I ever get over the hurt and anger of losing my baby..?