How to convince my bf to let me FUCK HIM IN THE BUTT

Yes gurl, you got it right. I want that ass. And if you had seen my bf's ass, you'd want it too. Pls help he says he won't let me use a strap on or fingers on him. 
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Posted at
You DO need help...But not in the way you want it. How about respecting the fact that your SO doesn't want anything near his ass and leave it alone? 


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You cant make him want it


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Leave him alone. If he said he doesn't like it he doesn't like it. Respect his choice and get over it. 


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What if you didn't want him in your butt but he was trying to convince you and it made you really uncomfortable? Try to see it that way.


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Many men don't like the thought of any anal play, they think it makes them 'gay'My fiancé was dead against it until I let him do it on me. Now he's the one asking me for it lol!You should respect his wishes if he doesn't want to.If you want to try and convince him gently tell him you wanna try something new and whilst sucking him try and play with his butt with your finger. If he rejects it then respect it, just as you would expect him to for you.


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Ewwww Ewwww Ewwww no no no


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Maybe you should have a talk with him about what he likes and what you like and what you haven't tried together that both you and him would be open to trying. Pegging might be something you can work up to, I would think it would take alot of trust so being patient is a good start. also could be that he'll still never want to have sex that way. And that's okay to.


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I could see maybe wanting to use fingers but why the hell a strap on? 


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I get to use my fingers.. SOMETIMES..but I don't think he'd be down for a strap on tho lol..


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I want mines too 🤷🏼‍♀️