Bbt confusion

Pauline • 🌻pcos🌻ttc2🌻20🌻preemie mom🌻

So I've been reading, that its best to try to rake your bbt around the same time every day for best results and before getting outta bed. Well 3days ago, my dip was on 5dpo. I had a dip in my bbt (98.0) my normal is 98.3. After that dip my bbt went to 98.4

Today I tested 4hrs before I normally do test. And my bbt was 98.3 (back to normal) I went back to sleep and retested at my normal time (I slept for another 4hrs only outta bed once at my first temp time to go pee after and back to sleep) so I retested and it was 98.7... So what do I go by? The higher number sense it was my normal temp testing time and just woke up, or do I go by the first temp time?

This is my chart from yesterday. Doesnt have todays temp on it