Slight Scare...

Hello ladies! So the hubby and I got a bit intimate 2 days ago and afterwards when I went to the bathroom and wiped, I noticed some spotting, which I know is super normal seeing as your cervix becomes more sensitive and having more blood vessels during pregnancy so I shook it off. Well the next day I continued to spot a pinkish, brownish sometimes chunky discharge. This worried me so I went online and they said take it easy and it was "normal". Well today I started mildly cramping and still had the discharge/spotting so I finally called the doctor, low and behold they wanted to see me. So I went in, doc checked my cervix, he confirmed, it was completely closed, he said he did see some blood, but nothing worrisome, this obviously made me feel great...but then we went to listen to the heartbeat and he couldn't find it 😓😕 my heart sank down to my stomach, I felt my eyes wanting to water and my palms became sweaty. Doc said don't worry we're going to do a scan. Well, we went in for a scan and just a few seconds in, the tech confirmed our baby was fine 😍😇🤗 heartbeat was a strong 180bpm. We're still measuring on track at exactly 10 weeks. Our due date is 11/8/17. God is good!! Also ladies anytime you feel something is off, there is no shame in calling. You'd rather be safe than sorry. God bless all my mamas to be. 🤰👣💜💙