Would you move under these circumstances?

Paige • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

So, my fiance and I have been together for almost three years. We have a 9 month old daughter and got engaged last christmas. The first year and a half was quite rocky, but after we had our daughter, things really fell into place and we sorted out all our issues. We own a house and both have great jobs here, but he was recently headhunted by a woman who's trying to set him up with a job accross the country. The job pays $80k/yr, and the one he's at now makes $50k/yr currently. His raise would be more than what I made last year! They'd pay moving expenses for us to relocate and I'm excited for a few reasons. For starters, housing is cheaper down there so we'd be able to afford a mich nicer home with our budget, and with him making that much, I'd be able to stay home with our daughter and any future kids more. (I currently work 3 days/wk doing 12 hour shifts)

The negatives are that my entire family is here. My parents especially don't want us to go, but they've controlled me my entire life, and while I would hate taking their only grandchild away, I'd be happy to finally be free from their judging grasps. The other thing is that if something should happen while we're out there and we broke up for whatever reason, I know I would want to come home, and with his family living just hours away from where we'd be, I know he'd want to stay and I'd be stuck there until the kids turn 18. That puts me in quite a vulnerable position.

The raise is huge and I want to do what's best for our little family, but my parents are trying to scare me out of it by saying it's not worth it and it's going to go terribly wrong. I have complete faith in my fiance and we love each other to bits, but they've instilled these doubts in my head and made me nervous to take the leap. If you were in my position, would you take the risk for the opportunity to better your lives, or stay comfortably where you are?

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