Where do you go with your babies?

I'm a SAHM to a 5 mo & try to find way to keep busy each day. For a while I was staying in & cleaning all day long & began to feel very depressed & like each day was sooo boring. I hated being a SAHM which was sad because I wanted to be one so badly. So I started getting out more & enjoying every day with my son (it's much easier now that the weather is nice too!) we go to storytime at the library once or twice a week, we take a walk every day, we have been going to cool parks with lakes & people watch (which he loves lol), we have picnics & play with bubbles & do tummy time on a blanket in a park, I've been looking into mommy groups to join, haven't done the zoo, aquarium or museum yet but I plan to. I know we don't need to do much especially to avoid becoming overstimulated. But a simple thing like going to a park and hanging out in the fresh air makes soo much of a difference! I've let the laundry take a backseat & im enjoying being a mommy so much more now! But I'm looking for some other ideas of things to do. What do u all do with your little ones?