pityriasis rosea big dilemma advice needed

Emilie • 28 y/o kiwi mum of one boy, currently TTC baby #2. Daily "holy shit" moments.
Ladies big moral dilemma please help! My dear friend who I love to bits and am so excited to see tomorrow has pityriasis rosea - most sites and drs say NOT contagious however there have been some cases of members of same household contracting it - this could possibly be explained by the fact they had the same common cold virus which can sometimes activate it/were taking the same medications/whatever - but it can cause miscarriage in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy - I'm 10 weeks. I was wondering if any of you ladies had any opinions on what I should do? It will kill me not to see my friend as she's one of my most fave people in the world, and most reputable sites state non contagious. Anyone got any experience or advice