baby dust plss

tomorrow im supposed to take a pregnancy test but im so scared to see a negative i feel like ill get really depressed any advice plss!!
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Ugh same here. I am so scared. It's the most nervous I've been about Anything so far in my life.. esp because I had a LOT of symptoms so far: implantation bleeding with the cramps, on and off cramping (mild),  mild backache, indigestion last night where it was getting stuck in my throat and I had weird burps... and I think the last time I had that was 7 years ago because I ate too many hot wings! So I slightly have my hopes up. It's impossible not to! I'm going to wait until Saturday though. It scares me that some people don't see a positive until a week AFTER Af!! Best of luck to you and I hope it's a BFP for us both!!!! 


Ba • Apr 13, 2017
i can totally relate! the symptoms i am currently experiencing are early signs of pregnancy but i always feel like that for an example fatigue. ive prayed for a while for god to bless me with a baby so i hope my prayers have been answered 😔 im getting so anxious about this, all i wanna see is BFP on that test otherwise i feel like id probably heartbroken, i really do hope you get a BFP hunny!!