i have this wierd bump on my lip, what is it? plz help! xoxo

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Posted at
Have u been sucking dick? 😗


Ruby • Apr 20, 2017
Just the way you put it 😂😂 I read it in a funny voice too 💀


Tasha • Apr 19, 2017
How 😂😂


Ruby • Apr 19, 2017
You're comment had me laughing 😂😭💀😂


Posted at
It may be a pimple! Sometimes I get those bumps around my lips, but overtime they fade away


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Cold Sore


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It could be a cold sore.. the crappy thing is that cold sores are linked to having herpes. Which each of us do have unactive herpes, we just don't normally have active herpes. So do yourself a favor and make sure that if you were to touch it wash your hands and do not touch your junk!


Tiffany • Apr 20, 2017
So true! But just because you have herpes on your mouth doesn't mean you have it vaginally. But like makayla said, be clean, as you can spread it and then have both types of herpes 😩


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I don't think it looks like a cold sore. Most likely a pimple. 


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Cold sores typically only affect the side of the mouth so I don't think that's a cold sore...could be a pimple


Posted at
Probably a cold sore. 


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I think it looks like a cold sore too. Is it like a blister or more of a pimple with a head to it?


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Looks like a pimple to me, i get them on my top lip all the time