insurance 😡

Ugh! Just found out my insurance is changing the month baby is due. Luckily I get to keep my doctor but the deductibles and rates of everything are changing. With my old insurance, if I have a perfectly normal and healthy labor and delivery, I would only have to pay small deductible. If baby or I had to be in the hospital longer, it would be the small deductible x2, so still not terrible. Now I have know idea how much it's going to cost and it changes soon! All I know is that it's going up! 😡😡 I could end up paying thousands with this new insurance. I'm due less than 3 weeks after the insurance changes. This is terrible timing! I would be 100% okay with this if it was changing because a new year, but it's changing in the middle of the year, after we figured out how much to save in our flex account so we can pay for baby's arrival. Grrrrrr. Rant over.Â