my phobia

so after a bad (terrible) experience about 8 years ago, when I got sick and I threw up, I am now terrified of it. then I had a fear from food and lost so much weight. 3 years ago I saw a psychologist and a psychiatrist and I now take anti-depressants, but every now and then I get anxiety attacks if I feel nausious. and now my uncle and his family are visiting from the USA. we took them to a city nearby, we ate lunch, his wife ate a little too much, because she ate from her plate and her children's plate. she also drank a coffee and later ate dessert. after a few hours she threw up. also she was a passanger at the car, and the road had many turns so she might have gotten car sick? but I was a driver on the other car, so I was focused on the road. now here I am, terrified that she might have gotten food poison and we'll have it too, or that her virus will pass on us. I'm trying not to have an anxiety attack, and I'm scared how I'm going to be around a possible virus. my father even mentioned that epissode I got sick and I started crying (he didn't realise it would make me sad). I know this might sound stupid, but I'm really scared and have to stay calm right now. and just wanted to express myself
Updtae: they leave tomorrow, how do I desinfect the house? just in case 🤷🏻‍♀️