Faith • 20🙎🏼Married💍Mommy to Colton Dean👶🏼
My husband and his brother bought a four wheeler together at least 3 maybe 4 years ago. It was before we got married or got our own house so the four wheeler was kept at their parents house. They paid 4600 dollars for it. They halfed the price. Well years later both brothers moved out and both have houses. Well my husband brought the four wheeler home to our house just for a few days, no more than a week. Someone came into our yard, stole our four wheeler and broke our fence pushing it over. Yes the key was in the four wheeler but that's what both of them have always done. At their parents house the key was always in it. Well the person who stole the four wheeler wrecked it 5 days later and totaled it. The guy was in the hospital for months. Well come May 1st is trial and the plea is he is on probation and has to pay us back for the four wheeler. Well my husbands brother wants $1500 dollars minimum now. My husbands dad has a book keeper for their family business that did our income tax for the first time since we've been married. My husbands parents knew how much we were getting back before we did. So now that they know we're getting 2300 back in income tax, now they want to push us to pay his brother money for the four wheeler. I'm pregnant and the money was suppose to go to buying things for the baby. I'm sorry but I think his brother can wait til the we get paid the money from the thief. I'm really aggravated because he wouldn't have gotten money this early for the four wheeler anyway. What would you have done in this situation and do you think we should have to pay him now?