I was late so at 41 weeks I had to get induced

Liz • 18 married and mommy to my first baby girl ❤️
I was late so at 41 weeks I had to get induced. I was in labor for 6 hours. I had back labor which SUCKED it was horrible. I couldn't take it anymore so I asked for the epidural. That calmed me down a bit and I was able to rest in between my contractions. Not much tho because they came every 2 minutes. I felt this horrible pressure like if I needed to poop. Lol finally I was checked and the midwife said I was ready to push. An hour into it my first born, my princess was born at 9:15 pm weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches❤️ Luckily I didn't rip and they didn't have to cut me. During my pregnancy I didn't have any stretch marks either :D. I was all baby! She's a big girl too and I'm tiny lol but God was with me and I had a good pregnancy and labor ❤️❤️