I Could Use Some Encouragement...

So about a week and a half ago, my baby (then 15 weeks and a few days) caught the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor's eye in his ultrasound. The doctor said he appeared to have Clubfeet and this was obviously the first we'd heard this. They want to recheck him in 2 weeks (which falls on April 18th) to see if they see the same issue and then offer an amniocentesis. But, I had genetic testing done early on in my pregnancy and everything was perfect. Nothing has come up until now and my husband and I both have clean genetics (as "perfect" as imperfect can be). I don't see the need for an amnio unless they see another MAJOR issue, because we aren't going to abort our son, no matter what. If they spotted another major issue, I'd only accept the amnio to simply have the knowledge. I guess I am just having anxiety about the possibility of something else being wrong even though all my prior testing has been great and the midwives find that very reassuring... Does anyone have any thoughts or words of encouragement? We all need pick-me-ups sometimes. 
P.S. This is my first pregnancy 🤰