feeling so alone in the last few weeks of pregnancy

Jackie • 24 y/o Jake G 💍 mama to LNG 4/21/17 👶💙. SAHM . Idgaf about your opinion. It doesn't phase me🙌I say whats on my mind. Gtfo my page if your a hater. I don't need that type of drama. Stay blessed . 🙏🏻
So I'm 37+4 and I feel so lonely..
I am married to a wonderful man but he spends most of his time at work 13+ hours and when he's home he's so distant, he doesn't want to cuddle or anything just be on his phone and tablet. Idk if it's just me being selfish but even when he's here I feel alone.. anyone have any advise on what I should do, I already tried talking to him.