Labor was hell.. Second baby


I am going to start by saying I was induced at 37 weeks & 4days because of preeclampsia that suddenly developed.. They did cervidil overnight and it did nothing but make me feel like someone scrubbed me with sand paper

I got started at 8 am with induction within 30 minutes they broke my water at 3 cm and I had requested no pain medication though they asked third contraction if I wanted an epidural..

They were 1.30 minutes apart and felt no moe than uncomfortable by 10 am I told the nurse I had to pee.. She refused to Let me out of bed at all.. Before an after breaking my water.. She checked me and I was at an 8 so she said I could have a catheter but it would probably complete my dialation.. It did not

She had the doctor put it in at 11 and as soon as he did.. He told nurses to hold my legs back and told me to push.. I begged not to because I was still an 8 they repeatedly checked me every two minutes for dialation as I begged them to stop and I told them I did not want checked anymore.. They continued at 11:30 the doctor continued to fuss about getting the baby out

He told me to hurry because he didn't have all day as I cried I forced my body to push until I finally got 10 and then more with no breaks in between because the nurses continued to hold my legs 11:42 am he was born

15 stitches (inside) and I had the​ placenta delivered by 12:05 the doctor Left the room

After ward they announced he weighed 7 pounds and at his 4 day check up eh weighed 5 pounds 2 oz

So the pediatrician called the hospital to get the weight he was before he checked out and they didn't document it even though I know they weighed him again because I asked if he had lost any weight and how much and the nurse told me a small percent..... I found out that someone did not zero out the scale ... And they just didn't want to inform me of their mistake..

Now at 6 days old he weighs 5 pounds 11 ounces