Jak Harrison Smith!

Baby Jak made his debut in the world on Wednesday, April 12th via scheduled C-section. At 39 weeks and 1 day he weighed 7lbs 9 ounces and 21 inches long. We didn't have any complications and the reason for the scheduled Cesserian was that I had a Myomectomy done 3 years ago and my doctor's were worried that my Uterus would rupture during natural birth. Recovery has been easy breezy so far besides one slight issue of not being able to pass my bowels or even fart. So that is getting a little rough especially when you have extreme gas pains and just want to fart all over the place. I may have to be kept another night tonight if I can't pass gas but they are trying. I have never wanted to fart more in my life. Usually I have to clinch the cheeks to be lady like but I don't care where or when this happens. I will fart in an elevator full of people and express how much I was dying to do that, lol. No Fbombs are given.