So my intuition told me that something wasnt right with my boyfriend. Over protective with his phone didn't go anywhere and i mean ANYWHERE without it! I don't really care for Steve Harvey but something he said stuck out to me. A man who has nothing to hide has no problems letting a woman especially a women hes in a relationship see his phone, hes not going to be taking it to the bathroom with him every time, sleeping with it in his pocket. Etc....I understand privacy and some people being private it's not the idea of looking through someone's phone to find something but i had my suspicions by the way he carried and handled he got caught slipping...BINGO yes i did look through it NO I DO NOT FEEL GUILTY. because the suspicions i had and what my intuition had been telling me all along was RIGHT! and i also asked God to reveal anything to me i needed to know...he left the phone laying around he was knocked out sleep usually the phone sleeps beside him. And so im happy to anmounce hes gone i got his shit outta my place and ladies its called intuition for a reason listen to it.. Be patient and all will be revealed!!! It hurts but im worth more. Its his lost not mine. Thr sad part is when these so called "men" out here cant see what they got in front of their face yet they wanna talk to bitches that aint about shit. But its ok ive had to many men trying to talk to me and ive been turning them down being loyal just to get fucked..ladies never let your loyalty make a fool of you!!! But the summer is coming, im not about to lose sleep and honey im go have me some FUN cuz moping around is not my style...two years wasted..oh well.