Super heavy periods

Amanda • Begging for love is suicide ❤️
So my period has always been very heavy and always at a minimum of 7 days. Because of the duration, heaviness and agonizing cramps I decided to go to the gynecologist and get birth control. I used it for about 9 months before going off of it due to weight gain and the fact that I wasn't even having sex. Well time pasted and the period seemed to be tolerable so I decided to stay off of it when I became sexually active.
 Everything had been completely normal for me up until this point. However after being late by four days and being panicked with the thought of an accidental pregnancy my period is the heaviness and most painful it's ever been. My main concern is the blood clots. They happen almost every hour and they're huge. Also the blood is drops down my legs and it has ruined every pair of period panties I own. Is this normal for some girls or should I go back to the doctors sometime soon?