Just need to let everything out for a moment

Jamie • Married to my best friend ❤️ Stepmama to an awesome 3 year old, Expecting my first bio baby February 2019
Never take the people around you for granted, always tell those you love what they mean to you, & never assume that you will have more time. My brother in law was pronounced brain dead at 12:59pm yesterday. He was admitted to the ICU on Sunday evening for a heroine overdose. He was only officially my brother for 11 days, but he held a special place in my heart for much longer. He only lived for 21 years, 2 months, and 6 days. Not long enough. He may have been an addict, but that didn't make him a bad person. He had a big heart. If you or someone you know struggles with dangerous drugs never assume that they will just grow out of it one day, or that you have time to do something because time is short and you never know when it will run out. I am trying to be strong for my husband and my new mother in law, but it is so hard. Our wedding was just one week before he went into the hospital, I remember hugging him & telling him how happy I was to finally have a brother. The last time we saw him was the day before the incident & my husband & I argued with him & left angry. I wish we would have hugged him then & told him that we loved him. I know that he knew we did anyway, but I would give anything to be able to do that one last time. I'm sorry for the long post that may not make any sense, but I needed to let it all out somewhere. Hug your loved ones every chance you get, because you never know when it might be the last time.