subchorionic hemorrhage ??

Went to the ER yesterday because my doc couldn't get me in to see her. I'm currently 10 weeks 3 days and I was having bad cramps on my right side to the point I couldn't stand for more than a few mins. They did a sono and I saw baby flipping around and waving. Said heartbeat was great and all my numbers looked good. They found 3 cysts on my right ovary which was probably causing the pain. They also said I have a subchorionic Hemorrage and told me I needed pelvic rest so no lifting or sex among other things. Now I'm worried something may happen to the baby and can't stop freaking out. Everytime I feel a cramp my heart skips a beat. The paper they gave me upon discharge said threatened miscarriage but doc said it's a formality and not to be too concerned with the wording. Have any of you ladies went through this? Please tell me your stories! I can't help but want to cry at times thinking the worse.