Help with advice on a sexual relationship.

Hi! I just would just like a lot of advice please! I NEEEED HELP AND A lot of it please thanks! I have had a bf for 1yr and 8 months
And we have a sexual relationship but when we have sex it was always unprotected and sometimes would be protected of course when needed, but rarely.
   In addition, if I break up for with him for reasons being, I am scared about my future and with my husband too and am scared about stds and what not! Like idk what to do. Ik if i do break up with him
Ill just either abstain from
Sex altogether even oral or have safe sex in future in relationships of course, but my current boyfrand has done oral things a looong time ago with a  few others and so have I but a long time ago with a few others but neither ever had sex sex like intercourse. But both peoples are already tested as of super recently and are completely clean:)
But still, 
I just wanted to know what to do how to ease this? Do i go to a gynecologist right now to help it?? I don't know. Please please please help! All advice are welcomed. Thanks!!