broke up

So yesterday my bf now ex got in a car accident gladly he was ok just the car took the hit. All day I thought he was at home. I called him in the night to see how he was doing and he told me that he didn't go to work because he got in an accident. I got upset because I was one of the last people to know about this o told him that i would have liked if he had called me earlier to tell me. I felt like he didn't have time to tell me because I wasn't really important to him. At the end I left to argument and decided to just forget about it. But since his car is messed up he asked me to pick him up after work at 7:30 so the end of the day came at I was there at 7:30 he wasn't coming out so I waited. 8 came and nothing then 8:30 and I decided to call. He answers real quite and all I understood was "work " and "go home" so at the point I'm mad I come home he calls me at 9 and says don't pick me up anymore my brother is coming for me. So I told him that he could've called me or texted me to tel me he would come out late. I even made him dinner and dessert I had gotten a movie and he tells me all rude that he forgot to just see each other tomorrow or Sunday instead so at that point I'm super upset and he starts yelling saying ok I'll go over because if I don't you will he all sad and over dramatic so I tell him that if he doesn't want to come and even try to appreciate what I do for him to just go our separate ways he then gets mad and Hungs  up on me idk if I overreacted or if my decision was right .. we have been together for 3 years and this always seems to happen.. advice anyone?