is something wrong with me?

Katie • Katie MacDonald
My husband finally is on board with wanting a baby too. But he's very laid back about it. If it happens now great, if it happens in 5 years he's cool with that too. But I am soooo excited because I love this man. And the mere thought of a baby with him lights me up from the inside I can't wipe the silly grin off my face I want to dance 💃🏻 I cannot contain it. So excited. However, we have been trying, or should I say "not preventing it" for 4 months now which I know isn't long but I'm excited. And I asked him this month if I could buy an ovulation kit because we have sex like 4-6 a month. So I wanted the ovulation kit so we could have those 4-6 times when it counts. I'm eager. So yeah I asked my husband while he was at work if I could buy the kit and he said yes. This conversation was over text. Come to find out 2 weeks later I missread the text and he had told be to get an app not a test. Ugh. I found out today when I had told him for the last two days that I was at high fertility and we didn't end up having sex. Which explained why he didn't seem as excited as me when I told him I finally tested high fertility on my clearblue advance. And I felt like a moron. I totally read what I wanted to hear not what he actually said. And a lot of my friends are telling me I'm thinking about it way to much and that it's stressing me out too much. They tell me I'm still you and that I have plenty of time, to just enjoy it. I hate hate hate it when someone says that to me. I do not feel stressed. I talk about it because I am beyond excited and absolutely ready. So ready. And I am enjoying it. Trust me, I emjoy sex. But they make me feel like I am crazy. Am I being crazy? I feel like none of my friends understand me. I am Hispanic and 27 years old. Idk but it's really upsetting me when they say that to me. So I just told all of them that my husband and I aren't going to try anymore ( even tho we still are) and that way they can stop giving me crap about it.