Question about Cervical Mucus?


I have a a 7 day luteal phase probably due to low progrsterone so I'm taking Vitex, B6 & Maca to help.

Before CD14 I didn't check my CM, but did have little CM in my underwear. My BF and I BD on CD12 & CD13 using Preseed as lube, not using the full dose.

On CD14 I checked my CM around 8AM and it was mostly dry with very little creamy CM. Then, around 5:30PM, I had heavy wet CM and 10:30PM and it has changed to the egg white CM. I also had opk tests gradually get higher throughout the day until it turned + CD 14 night and I got side twinges. By CD15 morning CM was turning creamy.

Since I didn't have ewcm or even much CM at all CD12- CD14 morning is it possible I didn't have the right CM the two days I BD for the sperm to survive even though I ovulated?