SO never change. excuses after excuses.

Hye ladies. I once vent my feelings here about my husband always hang out with his uncle and his childhood friends. In a week he went there about 5 days which means skipped sleeping next to me. I took all of the advice given we had a slow talk and it went to the harsh talk. He promised me this will be the last and so on then he will be a good boy for two or three days. Thennn he went back to his habit which is when his buddy call n ask him to come to their place he would not think much n go, even when i say no he will still give lots of  excuses.  Uncles needs to borrow his car john just came in town bla bla bla. Things didnt change, 
Today is the worst. He is on leave. Rather than take me out to have some good food and date and stuff he laying on the bed all day when i told him i am hungry lets go out and have something nice food to eat, he told me he is tired cz didnt get enough sleep (last night went to that bastards house and got home late of course he didnt get enough sleep). Then i was like okay i ll go by myself to eat he said okay. Im freaking sad. By the time i reached the restaurant to eat bt MYSELF  he texted me. Eat faster he needs to go out. To his uncle's house, im so freaking furious! I Never curse him all my life but tonight i did. I called him u bastard when i asked u to eat with me u said u are tired but when it come to your friends suddenly u got all the energy! Then he called me shit stuff for behaving like a child stupid women and all he called me, after the fight he didnt explain or even try to make things better. All he can say is SORYYYYYYY just come home i promise this will be the last. I dont want to hear that word. Im sad im seriously sad. I feel like getting a divorce. But will i be overracting then? Help me 😔