Tell me your unique names!

So I want to name our son Nicholas Alexander (nickname Xander). My husband is opposed to the Nicholas part, because that's his brother and his two good friends name. I like all 3 guys and think they're all very suitable to name a child after. We decided on Xander since he doesn't want to call him Nick, since all of the guys go by that. In fighting for the boy name I wanted, we agreed he could have the girl name... 
And he picked Guinevere, spelled just like that (apparently it's the old English way of spelling it). We told my mom and spelled it out for her, then she had a dream. My mom has lots of crazy dreams, but in this one we had a beautiful girl toddler who was "rotund" and everyone called her Guinny Pig. So now I pretty much love the name! I figure if the family calls her it first, the kids at school won't be able to tease her with it (and what kid would come up with that anyways!). We'll probably do Ayla (from Clan of the Cave Bear) or Ada (from The Piano) for the middle name. 
So what are y'all's unique names?