Advice: My boyfriend texts with his ex, he has a long history with her. should I be worried?

So , my boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year now and now have a house togather . 
He told me about his ex girlfriend; thy have a long history, they dated for 6 years and had so much drama around it with her cheating and other things, but then he says they are good friends now . I had no problems with it when we started dating but after a while and since we started to live togather I sarted to notice they text way too much details about their lives, send selfies, I even saw a pic of them when they were dating that was shared by her and some texts following it , 
I mentioned to him a couple of times I don't find it comfortable and that even if he says they are friends and I trust him ,this felt wrong for me. 
He says she is a good friend and they share moments of their lives like anyother Friends but I have this feeling I can't shake off that this is way too much to talk about with ex. 
What do you all think am I over reacting or do I have the right to actually say stop your contact with her because it makes me feel uneasy