My writing...


Whenever I feel bad I write about it and I just needed to share this for some reason. 

Before I started talking to you I felt lost, invisible and un wanted. 

After we started to get close, I began to feel less of those feelings. 

It felt so good after months of feeling like that, to finally feel happy again. 

To talk to someone regularly about everything and have them actually listen means a lot to me. 

You said you weren't like him. 

But you lied. 

You are exactly like him. 

And you didn't listen to me. 

I was hurt and needed someone who would actually care and hug me. 

But all you offered was lies and more hurt. 

I carry all that hurt with me when I know I should let it go. 

I no longer trust anyone with my heart because I now see it as them wanting to play with it. 

You never cared, and you never will.