Pls help very confused


Okay so I've read so many different things about implantation bleeding and i don't know if its what I'm experiencing right now! So I've made this very detailed haha. The go is my normal cycle is 37 day cycle, heavy bleeding for 3 days with agonizing cramps then I have a day of light bleeding and thats it.

So 3 days ago few hours before bed (about 9pm) I started to bleed, so light it wasn't on the pad, also a week earlier than usual.

The next day, still nothing on the pad (while i was asleep anyways) but then got a very heavy bleeding for the day with agonizing pains.

Than yesterday, I had very light bleeding again which was only when i after going to the loo then eventually stopped mid arvo.

Then today, i had nothing but about 5pm I've started spotting.

This isn't like my normal periods, I've also felt more nauseous and keep getting really light headed and dizzy. Has anyone experienced something similar and fallen pregnant?