Emotional after first fertility treatment

Hubby and I have been TTC since January last year, began fertility January of this year and found that I am insulin resistant, have PCOS and deficient in some vitamins and hypothyroid for fertility. We started our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> with letrizole on March 26 and due to time constraints due to husband's work triggered on April 2nd. We believe I ovulated (haven't received test results back but cramping on right side and ultrasound after trigger showed hazy follicle which doc said was likely due to ovulation). I'm currently 12 dpo, negative first response and just feeling emotional and sad. Because I have never had regular periods I don't know when to expect AF and feel like this cycle was a dud. (I know it doesn't happen on the first cycle, but I was just hopeful due to FINALLY ovulating with assistance and all the side effects I have been having) long story short, I'm 12 dpo from meds, negative pregnancy test, feeling emotional, don't know when AF would come to visit, husband won't be back from work for a few months to try again and just need support right now.