trying to be hopeful but scared ...

I miscarried in December before I even knew there was a baby there. I thought I got my period until 2 weeks later was still bleeding on December 24th I was told I was miscarrying.
Now here I am on Easter.. I have had 5 BFP tests since Friday. And some how I feel as if it can't be true. I actually have symptoms of pregnancy and I'm 3 days passed due for my period. Still I'm just waiting for the blood... 
Also when I told my fiancé his reaction was "don't get your hopes up" I'm sure he didn't mean it in a negative way but I took that to heart and I can't get it out of my head. And he seems to be ignoring the fact that I'm pregnant..idk if it's a coping mechanism he's got going on or what. But in turn it has made me terrified to tell my mom. Part of it's in afraid she won't have a good reaction and part of its what if I do miscarry and then she's gotta go theu that with me again...I'm so confused!! Need some advice on what to do about all this...