Grandparent Help!

Julie • We do what we have to do because we believe in the power of motherhood.

I'm sure this is an age-old problem. The grandparents spoil their grandchildren in the ways the parents do not.

Our baby is 6 months old and just starting to try solids, and I came into the room to find my mother feeding Cheetos to our daughter. Our daughter had a cow's milk protein sensitivity and a corn one too (for a much shorter period), so why did my mother think Cheetos were a good idea?!? Not only that, but we are trying to establish healthy eating habits of fruits and veggies, not junk foods full of sugar, salt and artificial dyes, colors, flavors... blah blah blah. We can be granola-y. Sorry, but we keep it healthy and wholesome as best as we can.

When the other grandkids come over (my sister's twin girls), my parents let them eat ANYTHING they want. I'm talking cookies, cupcakes, candy, sodas, chips, highly processed things that we call food, and I don't know how those girls take a poop or sleet at night after all of that sugar.

So how do I stop this? Is this a losing battle? Should I just accept it now at 6 months old that our daughter will always get to pig out on the things we will not have at home? Am I being selfish? Or how do you tell your parents to respect your parenting?