Induction??? CSection????


Had my 39 week visit on Sat and was told if baby didn't come as due on 21st by the 25th I would have to be induced. I am also faced with doing csection and I really do not want to do either. I can barely sleep because I'm so worried about what this means. this last doctor's visit has made me more anxious than I was before. I am also very angry now because I feel as if I can't do something that is supposed to be natural, something that women do on a daily.basis.

I am happy to have my baby at the end of it all and wish that she would come on her own time, but overall I think.I'm just fed up now of being pregnant. I don't want to be induced, I don't want a section. But like everything else throughout this experience I feel as if I have had no say. I am.looking forward to having control over my body again. I am very tired of all the unknowns, and I am ready to get back to myself. It's been an extremely long 39+ weeks.