9dpo no symptoms not even my PMS

Update on my two week wait. I am 9DPO and to be honest I always PMS big time before my AF. It's always the week before the week I start. Well this cycle I have no PMS symptoms yet and in a way it worries me. I'm actually expecting it since it would be hard to believe that we actually did the deed this month. And incase we sis do the deed I would want symptoms to know o conceived. No symptoms makes it hard to know. Hehe. So for all my 4/22 cycle buddies I am 9 DPO with no symptoms at all yet. I have 5-6 days left till AF due. I'll keep updating. I did have some cramping on Sunday morning at 8 DPO  but only lasted a few minutes then gone. I was fine the rest if the day. :) then today alsoni feel fine. Usually by this time my boobs hurt and I'm cramping preparing for AF. So I'm a little curious. 
I got a positive OPK on Friday April 7 at 10:00 at night So maybe I ovulated Saturday. Idk. Baby danced 2 days before and after Positive OPK so I'm hoping we conceived but like I said it's hard to tell. I have. I symptoms not even mY normal PMS.hopedully it's still too early. I'll test on the 22 if AF doesn't show up. I hope it doesn't sow up. Ne one else in my boat????