Switching Birth controls... From Nexaplanon to IUD

I was on Nexaplanon for the past 3 years. It definitely worked at preventing pregnancy since I'm not pregnant 🙈 but it made my periods extremely irregular. I used to bleed once a month for 3-5 days regularly. After Nexaplanon, I would bleed for 2-4 weeks and then not have a period for up to 6 months! Not only did it change my period cycle as expected, I realized that I was gaining weight and my sex drive had changed too. I ended up not feeling in the mood more often.. Which I was too embarrassed to tell my boyfriend. So I would still have sex even though I wasnt really up for it just so he wouldn't notice anything different with me.. I know that sounds bad, but I thought he would think he's the one turning me off or that I don't think he's sexy anymore 😩 but it was my BC! So I decided to change BC's to return to my regular cycle and healthy sex drive. I chose the non-hormonal IUD. I had heard scary stories of women getting their uterus perforated with the IUD or some other awful things and that scared me. The practitioner reassured me that happens rarely. The insertion process was quick but I was in soooo much discomfort for the next 3 days. I had never had such horrible cramps 😱 I had to take Pamprin which did help. After 3 days, I attempted sex. I say attempted because we stopped halfway because I got a cramp 😒 and started crying. I also couldnt even enjoy it because I was so worried the IUD got expelled and would poke his penis! Thankfully it wasn't and it didnt 😂 after that, I began to bleed bright red blood for 7 days... I went to my practitioner and she said I had started my period which surprised me. Now I've just been spotting on and off. I'll be blood free for a couple days then start bleeding lightly again for a couple days. She also said it will be irregular this for a few months until my body returns back to its hormonal balance. I did talk to my bf about my low sex drive and he was very understanding and so comforting that I shouldn't blame myself. And finally we both wanted and had sex with no cramps and it felt amazing!!! Only time will tell if the BC change was the right choice for my body. So that's been my BC changing experience. Please share your thoughts! Have you or would you change birth controls? If you have, what was it like? Have any of you girls felt a change in your sex drive?