message to my husband:

( I communicate better when I can write and think and analyze what is that I'm trying to get across, so this is my way of communicating better with my husband, if you and your partner do things face to face then that's great for you but that doesn't work for me. I'm trying to work on trying to get my point across and being able to communicate things without the intent to feel like an attack, I'd like some advice regarding my message before I send it out, we haven't fought in a while and I'd like to it create a problem but still say what it is that's in my mind) "We need to do something about the alarms. You're going to kill me causing me that stress, anger and headache every morning. It is not healthy for me, SPECIALLY being pregnant. It upsets me that I've had this same talk with you many times yet you do nothing to better the situation. I feel like my feelings are disregarded a lot in many cases and I'm constantly having to repeat myself. It's things like this when you actually SHOW someone that you love them. I tell you that I need you to stop playing alarms every 2-5 mins at 5 am ! And it's like I tell you the opposite, you begin to play two phone alarms at 4 am every 10 seconds - 5 mins. I don't get it!?

It's very selfish of you. I'd like for my feelings to stop being pushed aside, I need to be respected. I had told you that I wasn't okay with you going to get "drinks/dinner" with another female alone and that I didn't give a fuck about how old she is or 

Who she is. Out of respect to me, it's not right!? Because like I told you that day I know for a fact flipping shoes around you wouldn't like that shit specially me justifying it with the fact that "oh he is like 40" it's disrespectful."