Trigger Shot 3 Burst Follicles???

Amanda • 🌈8-25-18 Jamison 🤱🏻, 8 Angels👼🏼, 🌈👩🏼9-24-10, & 🌈👧🏼 4-24-15
Hi ladies!
This is mine and my husbands first time thru fertility help. I have had 5 MS and have 2 rainbow daughters. I have PCOS but didn't know it because my Drs didn't care. I finally found a specialist and he ran some blood tests and Ultrasounds and that's where we started!
I had Provera to induce a cycle, then Clomid, during this time I was shown to have insulin resistance so I take Metformin 3x a day. . . After Clomid my follicles started to slowly grow. 3 follicles finally reached maturity @ 13/14CD. April 6th I got the Trigger Shot to induce ovulation because my body doesn't always like doing that all by itself. ... on the 14th my Dr showed that all 3 follicles Burst. He was hoping at least one would but all 3 did!
Is there a large chance that I can get pregnant with tripolets or even twins?
The 21st I go in for a HCG blood test. . . 
Dr mentioned progesterone supps... but I haven't gotten them yet because he hasn't ordered them. Would the HCG be higher if there are multiples?
I am crampy, bitchy, have headaches and and have been nauseous a few times.