Still Too Early?

Chelsea • RIP Sweet Pea. 💞 01/25/2017- 03/10/2017👼🏻
So my temps have been elevated since ovulation! I know it's probably still too early to tell, but I'm so excited/anxious/impatient to test. Lol Does it look good so far? (The temps where I was spotting aren't too accurate. I had a fever then) Also, I have had nausea and heartburn the past 3 days, I've been sleeping more, my boobs have been sore, and I wake up in the middle of the night to pee due to extremely full bladder. (I know it's early for those symptoms too, but during my first pregnancy I experienced these early on as well. Unfortunately that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 5w+5d.) Tell me what you think ladies, please? TIA 💕🤗