During first trimester, which food or scents do you feel so nauseated/disgusted with?

Carolyn • 1st time 🤰 & waited so long for our little blessing. Can't believe this roller coaster of emotions of 1st time moms. 😁
Hello ladies, Im a first time mom and on my 9th week. I know we can be too sensitive on smells or scents but there are some scents which were fine for me pre-pregnancy that I really cannot take now.
Right now, I totally abhor the fumes from cooking deep fried whatever especially if the cooking oil used is twice, thrice or nth time used :( I really feel sick. Amazingly, I'm ok with cigarette smoke but strong perfumes are also a no no for me nowadays.
Do you have the same sentiments? Which food or scents are you likely to get away from?