Mouse πŸ˜πŸ‘Ά

Mouse is the nickname my fiance and I have chosen for our lil bundle of joy. We do not know the gender yet although we could. (Gender doc note is literally within arms reach) πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ we are very excited, I'm 21 weeks today. We are planning on doing a reveal at our baby shower. (Cousin's help she knows the gender)

My fiance doesn't know I worry a lot about mouse though. Lately I've been worrying about mouse's movements...see I start thinking the worst but then I also believe that since I'm a plump woman that may be the reason why I don't feel mouse that much. Oh man and my water intake is ok I go through about 3 or 4 water bottles a day, eating healthy-ish πŸ˜‚, and is walking around for exercise (pokemon Go).

Idk why the worry feeling, I know mouse is in there chilling lol because if I sneeze too hard I get crazy fluttering (I think I scared em awake) but other than that I feel little movement every now and then. Oh and pelvic pressure. I just had an appointment last week to check mouse's heartbeat (mouse is doing well). The doc has to play a game of hide and seek with mouse πŸ˜‚ with finding the heartbeat or just getting a good look at mouse's development because I swear during appointments is when mouse is the most active.

So post is random and all over the place but did anyone else deal with worrying about the baby's movements?