I give up

I am normally (for my whole life) on a 28/29 day cycle. I had my period on feb 22,2017 lasted only 4 days (normally 6/7) also very light. I was supposed to get my next period March 22,2017    Never showed up. I have done plenty of home pregnancy test and all are negative. Had blood work done twice (2 different test) both came back negative. Had a gyn visit and did a transvag and she said everything looks normal. Also said i should be getting my period. Well its about 2 weeks later and still no period. Supposed to get my next period April 19th. Have had cramps on and off since before my first missed period and i have none at all lately. My boyfriend and i have been trying to concieve. Thought just maybe this was the time. But with all these negatives im slowly giving up. Just dont know if something is wrong with me 😔 has this happened to anyone else? My doctor told me to wait for another missed period if i still dont get it to come back and shell have the ultrasounds tech take a look... Good luck to you all. Baby dust to all who are trying!